速報APP / 商業 / Kaercher Distributor – Online

Kaercher Distributor – Online





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Kaercher Distributor – Online(圖1)-速報App

Manage your Kärcher business wherever you are with Kärcher Distributor app! Grow your business on the go with ke features including product listing, product management and order fulfillment. The Kärcher Distributor app is open exclusively for authorized Kärcher distributor in Indonesia.

The Kärcher Distributor app key features:

1. Product Listing & Management

Kaercher Distributor – Online(圖2)-速報App

Manage product stock and view your product status and visibility

2. Order Fulfillment

View, manage and process your orders

Kaercher Distributor – Online(圖3)-速報App

Using the Kärcher Distributor app lets you benefit from above mentioned features on the move! If you are stuck on something, simply reach out to the Kärcher Distributor support yeam for further assistance.